Customer Reviews
Not a mark on the mat

I totally concur with all the other reviewers so won't repeat their good words. I bought my first Artistix Scan n Cur Pro mat in February 2020 when the Brother (bought in Nov 2019) was needing cleaning so many times. It was also covered in cuts from my projects which I found out is 'normal'. My Artistix mat has been in constant use since February and yesterday was the first de-fluff I had to perform !! It also has hardly any trace of cutting projects even though the settings on the machine have not been altered. I bought this new mat (July 2020) so I have one as a backup and to save the other from over-use. Thank you to all the developers of this wonderful product. Next purchase is the 12 x 24 mat. I totally and highly recommend this matGillian Stanton (20 Jul 2020, 12:36)

Fantastic Product

I have had 3 of these mats now and i can't express how good they are in words. The last one i bought i think may have been January. I honestly use my machine every day for making vinyl stickers and the mat has recently started loosing its tack, but even with the tackiness fading if I press really hard with my fist and rub, the vinyl still stays in place. Just ordered a new one today so i'm sure it will last another 6 months for me at least! I hope artistix never stops making these mats and brother could learn a thing or two from them...price as well a quality.Jane Moxon (23 Aug 2019, 07:24)
Just Brilliant

I last bought 3 Artistix mats for the SnC in April of last year (I just checked with Amazon orders!). This week (August 2019), I started on my second mat. Having not remembered how long it was, I was a bit worried and thought I needed to order more quite quickly! Perhaps not, but I will because B are so useless and Artistix are so brilliant. Thoroughly recommend these mats and their customer service. I cannot tell you how amazing they are, but I keep on going on about them on facebook when people moan about the B mats. Buy these, don't rely on the B ones. Val (23 Aug 2019, 01:25)
Review for the 12" x 18" standard tack mat for the Brother SDX1200 scan n cut

The mat loaded perfectly from the start, the level of tack on it is perfect for all the card and paper I have put on it from 90gsm copy paper to 300gsm cardstock. I would say the adhesive is tacky rather than sticky, everything just peels off beautifully and it is still holding cardstock as well now as it did straight out of the packet. It has not required any cleaning or retacking yet and isn’t even showing any signs of needing it in the near future. My machine recognised this 12” x 18” mat with no issues, once I remembered to switch to 12” x 24”! I started using the mat well over 2 weeks ago and it is only just now showing signs of pulling slightly to one side. The original Brother mat didn't even last a week before this happened. I have sanded down the area where the rollers pull the mat in, as instructed using the emery board enclosed with the care leaflet and the mat loaded again perfectly first time . Adding the emery board is such an inspired touch, makes maintenance of the mat so much easier when the required tools are supplied as part of the package. This is my first experience with an Artistix mat and I’m hooked. It looks and feels nicer than the original Brother mat, it out performs the original and yet it costs around 25% less. I was a bit sceptical at first but was swayed by the positive reviews I have seen about this brand which I am pleased to say are even better than I had hoped. I have absolutely no hesitation recommending this company and product, if you are looking to replace a mat any time soon give them a try, you will not be disappointed. Romayne Squires (15 Apr 2019, 14:51)
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